VinRose Solutions For All Your Server Requirements.

Server Maintenance.

Why is server maintenance such a big deal. Just like you go to the doctor for regular check-ups to make sure everything is healthy and whole, servers also need to be regularly monitored to ensure that all parts are working optimally.

While we usually only go to the doctor once or twice a year, servers need constant attention. Servers run 24/7, carrying out strenuous jobs. They need to be continually checked, fixed, and updated.

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    Crucial To Your Business.

    If you are a small, medium or large company, chances are high that you have multiple servers on your network. In order to keep your business' computer network in optimal and reliable condition, you need to have regular server updates, installation of patches, and diagnostics.

    Taking proper care of your servers will increase their life spans while saving you time and money. This upkeep will spare you having to buy a new server and moving all of your data from its original home prematurely (server failure is not fun!!).

    But with regular maintenance, your business' precious hardware and software will have a greater chance of serving you for a long time.

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    Server Maintenance Plan?

    Server maintenance is something that needs to be done routinely. In order to keep up with server maintenance, it's important to create a detailed list of the what's and the when's. This is what we call a server maintenance administration plan.

    Some server configurations need to be monitored daily, like server backups and email routing. Others only need weekly or monthly maintenance, like reviewing server memory and hard disk space.

    How often you need to monitor certain server configurations can also depend on the age of the equipment. Although server maintenance is crucial to business, too often companies do not have the time or know-how to conduct it.

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    On-site service.Meaning, if you have any on-site server or network troubles, we will send over technicians to fix the problems.

    • Data, Software and System checks
    • Security Checks
    • Hardware Checks
    • Live Monitoring
    • Server Maintenance Checklist completed monthly with daily, weekly, monthly tasks
    • Covers all operating systems
    • Backups